विन्डोज एड्मिनीस्ट्रेटर पासवर्ड रिसेट गर्नलाई निशूल्क सफ्टवयर:

There can be no better way to reset Windows administrator password than downloading the ISO file from here, which when written on a CD, makes it bootable and helps you to reset Windows admin password easily and just within a few simple steps. Work is everything, and so, you cannot stop it even for a single day for something as trivial as forgetting your password. Quickly get this FREE Windows administrator password reset solution. You can use Nero to write the ISO file on a CD, this is good, free and thus recommended software for this purpose. To reset the password of Windows administrator you need to follow given steps:

  • Download the ISO
  • Write the ISO on CD/DVD
  • Boot this ISO CD/DVD
After inserting this boot CD/DVD you need to perform some tasks. To about that

Supported Windows Versions
  • Windows XP
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 7
Systems Needs to Write ISO on a CD
  • CD-ROM Drive


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